How to Sign up for Reading Tricks Classes

  1. Go to Buy Online Classes and click on the Orton Gillingham Reading Training Bundle, or the Sample Classes from Reading Tricks
  2. Next select Enroll In Course
  3. If you have a discount coupon and want to use it now, click Add Coupon, type in the coupon code, and click Apply (no coupons are used with free samples)
  4. Finally, you will need to sign up with your email address, name, and credit card information, as well as checking that you agree with Reading Tricks’ and Teachable’s policies. Note: no credit card needed if you are signing up for our free samples


Try the mobile app

Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign up for Reading Tricks Classes (either our free samples or the paid courses). If you haven’t already done this follow the steps above
  2. Go to the app store on your phone or mobile device and search for “Teachable Online Courses”
  3. Download and install the App
  4. Sign in to Teachable with your email address and password (the one you created above) and the classes you signed up for previously should be available on your device